
Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction

Accession accepted by / Entry into force between Lesotho and Date of acceptance Entry into force
Andorra 13-V-2013 1-VIII-2013
Argentina 6-XII-2012 1-III-2013
Belarus 17-II-2014 1-V-2014
Brazil 24-IX-2012 1-XII-2012
Chile 22-II-2017 1-V-2017
China 22-XI-2012 1-II-2013
Colombia 19-VII-2013 1-X-2013
Czech Republic 18-IV-2013 1-VII-2013
Ireland 24-IV-2013 1-VII-2013
Japan 24-I-2014 1-IV-2014
Latvia 19-XII-2012 1-III-2013
Mexico 6-VIII-2013 1-XI-2013
Monaco 25-I-2021 1-IV-2021
Netherlands 11-IX-2012 1-XII-2012
New Zealand 15-V-2013 1-VIII-2013
Peru 24-II-2015 1-V-2015
Republic of Moldova 14-VI-2016 1-IX-2016
Russian Federation 19-I-2016 1-IV-2016
Serbia 28-III-2013 1-VI-2013
Seychelles 16-IV-2013 1-VII-2013
Slovakia 28-I-2013 1-IV-2013
South Africa 9-II-2016 1-V-2016
Spain 20-XI-2013 1-II-2014
Ukraine 24-II-2016 1-V-2016
Uruguay 7-VIII-2019 1-XI-2019
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 28-XI-2014 1-II-2015


(acceptance for the SAR of Macao)


(for the European and the Caribbean parts of the Netherlands)